Friday, January 13, 2012

Psst. Is This Thing On?

Well, well, well. What have we here?

A while back, I lost track of this blog and my photography blog. So many things were happening in 2011, I didn't have time to focus on either. I then grew tired of the archaic layouts and my general lack of web design knowledge. I wanted to revamp this blog in particular, but I knew it was going to be a hefty undertaking. I also grew dismayed at my lack of things to blog about, so I privatized it for a while. Then one day I decided to delete it all together. If I wanted to blog again, I would blog anew. 

I set out to do that this morning. While I was going through all the settings and re-familiarizing myself with everything, I noticed that while this blog (and my photography blog) had been deleted, there was the option to "Undelete". As you may have noticed, that is what I decided to do. I haven't changed anything except the typeface of the tab selection at the top. I even left prior entries intact. I feel a little more accomplished that way, ha.

I will though. I will change some things around and organize a bit. I do have topics of interest I want to delve into and crafty/cooking things I want to blog about as well.

So, as my coffee turns cold and one of my dog sits at my chair waiting to be fed breakfast, I'll leave you with this for now. A welcome home party for myself and time to get reacquainted.

Stay tuned.

P.S. I have an unhealthy addiction to Pinterest and that will be documented quite well here. 

1 comment:

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